4 Live Classes

Learn 4 breathwork techniques in live 60-minute virtual classes:

Tuesdays at 8pm ET (5pm PT)

Aug 1

Aug 8

Aug 15

Aug 22

This program includes 4 different practices:

  • Healthy Daily Breathing
  • Breathwork for Sleep
  • Breathwork for Energy
  • Transformational Breathwork

30 Daily Practices

All of the practices are simple and effective tools for using the breath to regulate your nervous system.

Regular breathwork allows you to experience more creativity, flow, presence, and ease in your day-to-day.

During the 30 Days, you'll receive a daily: 

  • Breathwork Practice
  • Guided Audio
  • Playlist

By the end of the month, breathwork will be a joyful part of your daily routine.

Online Community

You commit to practicing breathwork for 8 minutes for 30 days with a worldwide community.

You receive 4 different practices, 4 live classes, and daily encouragement, and online practice community to help you build a practice.

“This program helped me use Breathwork as a tool in my daily life to clear, reset, and re-energize. It feels like a secret life hack to be honest!”


Can't attend live? All sessions are recorded and posted within 24 hours.

George Ramsay

Breathwork Facilitator

George Ramsay is a breathwork facilitator who has worked with over 500 clients and companies. He is also a certified Enneagram Practitioner, trained by the Narrative Enneagram, and a Conscious Leadership Coach. He’s been invited into law firms, tech companies, nonprofits, and schools who want to use breathwork for individual and team wellness and cultural transformation. With a background in education, George creates a comfortable environment where everyone feels fully informed of the practice. As a result, everyone gets something in return. He is known for bringing harmony and ease in the midst of big transformation and emotional release.

George is eager to share the gifts of Breathwork, the Enneagram, and Coaching to support clients to come into more aliveness. He supports clients through a combination of 1:1 sessions, programs, and on the mindfulness studio, Open. George currently lives in Asheville, North Carolina.

Past Participants:

"George's direction every single day for 30 days creates a special atmosphere where all types of change and progress are possible." 

-Clara B.

“The investment of time & money will quite literally change your life.”

—Jon F

“As a newbie to breathwork, I am utterly amazed by my 30-day experience. George is an incredible teacher who exudes such warmness, thoughtfulness, and compassion that made me feel comfortable and not judged. I love the sense of community and openness George creates with the classes. I feel more compassion for myself and others and a greater ability to run my business."

—Jen Ballen, CEO of Otherworld

“Rarely, if ever, are we aware of all of the "stuff" we're holding onto in our bodies. Effective breathwork has helped me access and release some of those things that were holding me back. It would have taken me years through other channels to access and release those things.”

—Casey Lankow, Executive Development at Amazon | Psychologist

You will come away with three great breathing tools to face and handle your life with clarity and strength.”

—Anne Ramsay, Executive Coach

If there is a part of you that wants to do 30 Days of Breathwork, you have an opportunity to show up for yourself over and over again, to push yourself in a positive way.”

—Corina R

“This program helped me use Breathwork as a tool in my daily life to clear, reset, and re-energize. It feels like a secret life hack to be honest!”

—Casey B, Founder of Worthy & Well

“Just try it. You'd be amazed to find what your body is capable of with simple breathing. There are so many benefits from Breathwork and the 30 day course is great for accountability, habit-forming and community.”

—Michelle K, VP of Design at VideoAMP

“I am more open to exploring my shadowing parts, the parts that I want to keep hidden, or not acknowledge their existence. I can recognize that in order to grow I need to explore those parts, and breathwork helps me to feel safe in doing so.”

—Melissa O, Founder of MelO Wellness

“I would say: just try it. It will change your life.”

-Daniel Q, Licensed Therapist

“This program is so incredibly stress relieving. No going back now.”

-Eva V.

“I feel exponentially much more in tune with my emotions. Previously, I was in a rut where I was very numb to my emotions, both good and bad. And now I feel like I've tapped into them in such a profound and beneficial way. Also I feel like I cleaned out my emotional baggage closet! An emotional spring cleaning if you will!”

—T.J. S.

“It's hard to fully describe the experience but my advice to anyone is to give it a go. It's exceptional and both George and the other members of the group are so supportive throughout. I have really enjoyed the sessions and learning to do this practice on my own. I will definitely be doing it again.”

—Matt M.

“I've experienced an openness in my heart space. My heart has room to BREATHE and EXPAND and GROW and RECEIVE MORE.”

—Neeyaz Z.

"I found the commitment to daily breathwork was something I looked forward to each day—knowing the time was mine to lie down on the floor with no expectations and just listen. It was a welcome constant during a period of personal uncertainty."

—Cate P.

Program Curriculum

  Week One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week Three
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week Four
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.