"The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."

- Thich Nhat Hanh


an active meditation practice to shift your state


one-on-one supporting Conscious Leadership Group tools


use this ancient tool for exploring 9 distinct personality styles

Hi, I’m George

I was trained in David Elliot’s Breathwork Healer Training, Levels 1-4. I am certified Enneagram Practitioner through The Narrative Enneagram. I'm currently enrolled the Conscious Leadership Group coaches certification. A teacher by trade, I’m eager to share the gift of Breathwork and the Enneagram with new clients.

I specialize in supporting team leaders, LGBTQ+ individuals, anyone ready to see how good live can get. I welcome all individuals and couples committed to their growth.

We are all our own best healers. We just need the tools, community, and love to unlock our gifts.

The combination of coaching, breathwork, and the enneagram has supported me in transforming my life. I've gained regular access to my own inner knowing, which informs how I live my daily life. I now support clients in using these three tools to unlock their own gifts.