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The Breath Vault
Open the Vault
Welcome! (0:46)
Breathwork Safety (1:08)
Get Started Here (0:28)
Start Here:
6m Override Overwhelm (7:39)
13m Full Body Booster (12:37)
16m: Dozy Field of Daisies (16:05)
26m Daily Breathwork Reset (26:01)
Featured this Month:
3m Box Breath
21m Get Regulated (Disaster Support) (21:14)
For Times of Change:
3m Transform your State
9m Calm your Nervous System
42m Ground during Change
Quick Shifts
90s The Speedy Carwash
2m The Hiccup Helper
3m One Round Reset
3m SOS: Social Anxiety
3m Catch your Breath
2m SOS: Panic Attack (1:59)
3m Recover from Stress
3m Power Shift
3m Healthy Daily Breathing
3m Triple Exhale
3m Extend the Exhale
3m Triangle Breath
3m Increase the Inhale
6m Begin Again (NEW!)
6m Override Overwhelm (7:39)
8m Start your Day (High Tempo)
Increase Energy
5m Party Prep
6m Clear Blocked Nose
6m Circulate Creative Energy
8m Bright and Blissful
9m Daily Energy Boost
10m Start your Day
12m Daily Practice
13m Full Body Booster (12:37)
13m: Energize your System (13:16)
14m Higher Holds
Slow Down
5m Post Workout Cool Down
6m Find your Center
6m Finding Balance (NEW!)
8m Healthy Daily Breathing
8m The Triple Winddown
9m Guided Nose Breathing (9:25)
10m Calming a Busy Mind
15m Breathwork for Anxiety
16m Body like Butter
16m: Dozy Field of Daisies (16:05)
19m: Daily Practice: 6 in, 6 out (19:08)
Time to Transform
8m Navigating Challenging Emotions
8m Choose your Mood
9m Call in Support Team
12m Navigating Loneliness
15m Active Breathwork
15m Breathwork for Clarity
15m Breathwork for Creativity
16m Reconnect to Heart (24:38)
25m What do you really want?
33m Question Beliefs
Universal Growth Process: The Four A's (42:34)
Active Breathwork Journeys
26m Daily Breathwork Reset (26:01)
30m Active Breathwork
30m Welcoming Winter
42m Fact vs. Story w/ Active Breathwork (48:20)
45m Facing the Fear (45:53)
43m Stop Chasing (42:32)
45m Create from Desire
45m The Control Plan (NEW!)
45m What's Next? (NEW!)
45m Sourcing Approval from Within (44:26)
Live Sessions (Active Breathwork)
43m F.A.C.T Process & Family (23:57)
40m Set your Intention (40:29)
44m Integrating Exiled Parts
45m New Year's Eve Breathwork
45m Allowing Life (45:50)
45m Get Grounded (45:48)
60m Create a Vision (54:54)
60m Navigating Upper Limits (52:37)
60m Finding Relational Balance (49:21)
55m Celebrating 3 Years of Breathwork (51:40)
63m 5-Year Celebration Group (63:48)
16m: Dozy Field of Daisies
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